Start using highly featured, latest tools and technologies and discover numerous surprising ways to teach engineering and mechanics quickly and most effectively!
Get the best database management solution available in the market. Don’t’ hesitate to load up all data on your full featured database manager software. Explore the easiest, quickest and most effective ways to teach and enjoy a 100% successful teaching career in engineering and mechanics.
In order to understand the importance of a customized database solution, you need to understand the use of database software in engineering and mechanics teaching business.
Why do you need software to teach engineering and mechanics?
- To make and prepare lesson plans.
- To keep track of students’ attendance, grades and overall student management system.
- To manage payments and billings.
- Scheduling and timetable management for lessons and overall course management system.

What is the best database management software available in the market?
Latest, full-featured Teacher’s Companion Pro is the best database management software available in the market.
Extremely popular FileMaker Pro is a cross-section database application program which is a highly advisable and reliable platform for you. By using FileMaker platform, you can create and deploy customized software from scratches without any prior coding knowledge. But, if you don’t want to waste your time by starting from scratches, then there is the quicker, ready to market solution for you. Teacher’s Companion pro is built on the same FileMaker platform to provide a quicker, easier and ready to use database solution which is specially designed for you!
What is Teacher’s Companion Pro?
Teacher’s Companion Pro is a 100% reliable, flexible and effective database management software which is built on the world-renowned FileMaker platform. It is a complete database solution that is specially designed to assist developers, teachers, tutors, educators and instructors of various teaching fields.
Use the latest, full-featured Teacher’s Companion Pro in your engineering and mechanics teaching business and experience the difference yourself!

How Teacher’s Companion can help you to teach engineering and mechanics?
Teacher’s Companion is essential software to teach engineering and mechanics because it is designed to assist you in the following aspects of teaching:
Lesson Plan Management:
Teacher’s Companion is the best lesson management software to teach engineering and mechanics. Using this platform, you can make and prepare lesson plans easily to teach engineering and mechanics students.
Let’s think about- how can you make lesson plans for your basic mechanic class using Teacher’s Companion?
You can make and prepare lesson plan of your basic mechanics class with date, start time and end time in the calendar section of Teacher’s Companion Pro. You can create, edit and delete several templates associated to the lesson plan of your basic mechanic class. For example, you can create some templates titled: ‘steps to learn car mechanics’ ‘easy ways to learn auto mechanics’ ‘how to teach yourself auto mechanics’ etc. and associate them to your basic mechanics class lessons. You can edit, delete or reuse each template anytime. If you have created another interesting note on “how much do mechanics make’ then you can add this note to the ‘miscellaneous note’ section of the calendar and it will not be associated to any specific lesson.

Payments and billings:
You can use Teacher’s Companion Pro to keep track of all the payments and billings by creating and maintaining invoices of payments. Let’s consider the perspective of an owner of an engineering and mechanics teaching institute.
If you run an institute that teaches engineering and mechanics, then you have to keep track of your financial records regularly. If there are total 500 students in your organization, 250 of whom learn electrical engineering, 100 learn software engineering and 150 students learn auto mechanics, then you have to record payments of each student of every course. That’s why you need to use a reliable data manager software like Teacher’s Companion Pro! You can create, and record invoices for payments and dues of each course. You can also get a printed copy of a payment invoice anytime!
Student Management:
If you are a professional who teach engineering and mechanics, then Teacher’s Companion can help you greatly in keeping track of the contact details, attendance and grades of your students.
If you teach engineering and mechanics in an institute or provide tuitions to your students, then you have to keep record of the student’s details. If you teach engineering and basic mechanics class of 50 students, then some of them may be interested to learn auto mechanics while others may learn car mechanics. You can create individual ‘contact’ in Teacher’s Companion to record each student’s details including enrolled courses, contact address, tuition category etc. Interesting way of utilizing Teacher’s Companion is how language teaching institutions are using Teacher’s Companion to help students who are learning two languages at once. Engineering and mechanics institutions can also apply the same techniques and get best out of Teacher’s Companion.
Teacher’s Companion is a very effective solution that helps you to keep track of your students’ progress. With the growth of your business, it becomes more difficult to keep track of each student’s attendance. If you run an institute where you teach engineering and mechanics to students of different corresponding courses, then you will need to record and maintain students’ attendance for each course. If 200 students learn electrical engineering and 200 students learn software engineering in your institute, then it is almost impossible for teachers to keep track of each student’s attendance and grades. Here, you can use Teacher’s Companion as your rescuer!
Expert Advice
To record and manage the progress report of each student, you can create different templates of exam papers, assignments or research works etc. For example, you can create templates for assignments of a student who learn electrical engineering or exam papers of a student who learn software engineering and connect them to the respective grade section of Teacher’s Companion directly. Thus, Teacher’s Companion can help you to create an effective student management system.

Scheduling and Course Management:
Teacher’s Companion can help you in creating and managing schedules and timetables of different lessons and courses.
If you teach engineering and mechanics in an institute where you have to take the basic mechanic class for two different courses, then you have to create and manage schedules and lesson plans for each of the courses. Let’s consider, you have total 200 students enrolled in basic mechanics class, some of whom learn car mechanics and others learn auto mechanics. So, you need to create and manage lesson plan, students’ data etc. for each course individually. You can create schedules of each courses, make lesson plans and manage student data of each course using the same platform- Teacher’s Companion pro!
Expert advice
You can edit and manage lesson plan of all courses in the calendar section of Teacher’s Companion Pro without any contradiction. You can also make, edit or delete templates of each course individually. Sometimes you might want to create some lectures such as “how much do mechanics make” and want to use them for more than one courses. You can easily do so using Teacher’s Companion Pro. Special events such as “a project to teach yourself auto mechanics” can be created and stored in the calendar section without connecting them to any specific course or lesson.
Thus, you can schedule and manage each course individually or all courses at the same time in this wonderful platform.
Why should you use teacher’s Companion Pro?

Teacher’s Companion Pro is the best lesson plan and student management software for teachers, tutors and instructors. If you are familiar with the FileMaker platform, then you should definitely load up the Teacher’s Companion Pro.
Teacher’s Companion is a ready to market, superfast database management solution that is specially developed to assist you in every aspects of teaching. And the best part of it is- its highly customizable feature that allows it to work exactly the way you want!
You may be wondering, what is so special about Teachers Companion Pro?
Teacher’s Companion pro is fully reliable database software which is built on the highly reputed FileMaker Platform, owned by Apple Inc.
Ready to market solution:
Teacher’s Companion is a complete database management solution for teachers, tutors, educators and instructors. You can start using it instantly with any hassle.
User Friendly:
Regardless of how small or how big your business is, Teacher’s Companion is suitable for all. From private tutors to teaching institute owners, unskilled software builders to experienced FileMaker developers, it is designed to work for all.
Easy to use:
Even if you are a new user, you don’t need any prior coding knowledge.
It is highly customizable and it can be tailored to suit your needs and demands.
It is easily accessible from not only your Mac but also from iPhone. So, you can access this database solution just with a few taps on your iPhone anytime, anywhere!
Easy to transit:
It allows import of files from your previously used solution. So, you can easily transit to this solution without losing your previous work.

Save time and energy:
You don’t need to waste your time and energy by starting from scratches. Teacher’s Companion Pro is a ready to use database management solution that can save a lot of time and energy.
In a brief, Teacher’s Companion pro is robust, versatile software which is the best database solution for teachers, tutors and instructors in engineering and mechanics field. Just download the FileMaker application from your iPhone, Mac or PC desktop and load up the 100% unlocked version of Teacher’s Companion Pro to have a successful, enjoyable journey in engineering and mechanics teaching business!