Teacher’s Companion is a visually appealing and easy to use lesson management software for teachers, tutors, and instructors. This versatile database solution can assist in the management and record keeping of all aspects of your teaching business. Built from the ground up by teachers, this software keeps record of students and customers, courses, lesson templates, products, and much more.
This solution can easily be tailored to suit your business. With its vast amount of features and flexibility, you can upload your business logo, add an invoice header and footer, and create your own tuition categories, contact types and lesson template keywords. Lesson templates allows you to reuse lesson documents, saving you countless hours of preparation time.
Besides keeping record of student payments, Teacher’s Companion has a full product inventory system for storing product sales and rentals, invoices, product purchases and supplier information.
The user interface is elegantly designed and thoughtfully intuitive with an easy learning curve. Built on the highly popular FileMaker platform, Teacher’s Companion is robust, powerful and searching for records is a breeze with results returned almost instantly.
Learn more about the main features, and then download Teacher’s Companion free and see if it is right for you and your teaching business.